2016 sucked. I don't know how else to say it. I've spent the past year in a fog, muddling through day to day and trying to maintain a sense of normalcy. Public humiliation, sadness, loss of my dad. It was really downright awful.
I saw that I don't really have many friends. I saw that family isn't always supportive. I saw that people are more comfortable with avoidance and quick hellos. And in some cases, just showing their true colors.
2016 also showed me that I am STRONG. I saw that I had strength I didn't even know I possessed. I became comfortable with myself and realized that I am a strong, independent woman capable of doing things I didn't know (or forgot) I was capable of doing.
I could focus on all the bad but I will not. 2016 saw my oldest get her masters degree and find the love of her life. 2016 saw my middle graduate early and accept a position in Korea. 2016 brought my youngest and I closer together and made us united. 2016 gave me back my best friend and took away the people who really weren't my friends all along. 2016 brought my brother and I back together. 2016 showed my strength.
Each year I pick a word to focus on and (surprise!) 2017 word for me is STRENGTH. I can do anything. It's funny that it took a year of crisis to remind of this. Funny that I approach my 49th year on earth and haven't thought this before. I guess you don't realize what you can do until you have to do them. Life's little lessons.
So Happy New Year and welcome to 2017. I know I can do this and look forward to it. The fog has lifted!