Sunday, July 13, 2014

creative brain freeze

I am hosting a baby shower for my nephew and his wife.  I am excited about doing it as it'll let me get some new pictures for my up-and-coming business (another post!).  I am thrilled that they've decided to wait until birth to find out if it's a boy or a girl.  However, the gender neutral thing has given me quite the creative brain freeze.

I ordered paper and ink...sat down today to complete the invites and totally hated the color combo I chose!  Ugh. These need to hit the mail this week so the option of ordering another color combo isn't really an option.  I'd have to make do with what I had already and fortunately, I have a lot.

Various combination popped into my head, all quickly dismissed and then I decided that maybe, just maybe, the elephant should really be gray not coral, blue or green.  It's interesting how that decision (to make an elephant the actual color of an elephant) got my creative juices flowing again.  Cards are now done and decorations await!

What do you think are gender neutral colors?  How do you prevent being more boy than girl or vice versa?  Share you thoughts!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Not my circus, not my monkeys...

I've seen this all over facebook recently and it's made me think a bit about my own world.  As many know, my dad and I don't exactly get along...never close and as opposite as people can be.  To say he lives in his own little world is an understatement and it has caused much strife between the two of us.

My mom's death has put a spotlight on just how different we are and how far apart we've become.  I try.  I really do but honestly? I don't have the patience for him.  His viewpoints couldn't be further from my own and we need to agree to disagree.

Not my circus, not my monkeys...interesting statement.  Not sure it really is a Polish proverb but for whatever reason, it resonates with me.  I am not responsible for my father.  He's not my monkey and his views aren't my circus.  He's my dad.  I'll enjoy what I can of our interactions and when they become heated, I can step away.  I cannot be responsible for his attitude, his actions or his words, just mine.  I realize it seems a simple premise and one that should come about without much thought but it took me awhile to get here.

He won't change (and at 72, I can't really expect him to) but I can change how I deal with him and how our interactions affect me. Maybe this will help us, maybe it won't.  However, I can sleep each night knowing that i tried and at this time, that's the best I can do.

Not my circus, not my monkeys...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

In search of ...

Part of this whole depression thing and the loss of my mom has revealed (as I've touched on in earlier posts) my complete lack of a good girlfriend.  My mom was my com-padre.  We went to lunch each week, talked each day.  She was my sounding board, my confident and my lifeline.  Husbands fill that void to some extent but I think we each need someone to talk with who we aren't married to.

That all being said, I am lonely.  I have friends but we are all busy. We hang out at games and an occassional lunch.  I am thankful when they check in and appreciate the time they are able to give me. But, they all seem to have that really good friend and I can't seem to connect with  anyone who calls for regular lunch/shopping dates, wants to take a class here and there or who wants to talk about what's going on in my/their world.  I love those friends I do have but I really long for someone who wants to hang a bit more.

I read FB posts (I know, everyone's life is perfect on FB!) and see that people are doing things, getting out with friends, having fun.  I really want to do those things too.  Part of me is embarrassed to post this and part of me feels like a 3rd grade girl wishing that someone would ask me to play on the playground.

I know that age complicates is harder to make friends it seems.  My friends of my youth have all scattered to the wind and in some cases, we don't seem to have much in common anymore.  My goal is to take a few classes and hopefully, meet some women who like to do similar things.  I've also vowed to take more interest in those precious friends I currently have.  Make more of an effort because I know I've been lacking in my efforts as well.

Hoping to climb out of the shelter I've backed myself into and put myself out there...