Thursday, April 17, 2014

Putting your best self forward.

10 Old-Fashioned Clothing Habits We Need To Bring Back | Thought Catalog

I read this little list this morning and it gave me pause.  We have become a sloppy society.  I am guilty of it myself.  Wearing athletic shorts and a tshirt when running errands, yoga pants/jeans and a sweatshirt to dinner...not taking the time to present myself in the best manner possible.  I haven't fallen (and never will!) into the realm of wearing pajamas in public but I know that I usually go with what's the easiest and sometimes, the most comfortable.

I fondly remember my childhood....I grew up out in the middle of nowhere.  We went to "town" on Fridays. My parents dressed up (we usually go to go to dinner), they made sure my brother and I were clean and dressed nicely as well.  I spent my childhood in dresses and was always reminded to look like a lady.  Funny thing is, when we arrived at our destinations, everyone else had taken the time to make sure they looked nice as well.  This carried on for me through high school, into college and well into my adulthood. Somewhere in my 40s, I forgot that I should take more time to present myself in the best manner possible.  I don't shoulder that all by myself, because the rest of society appears to have forgotten that as well.

The pajamas comment above is a small part of how we forget to take pride.  Rolling out of bed and just going with it really doesn't say you care much about yourself or those you're interacting with.  Jeans in church (sorry, I really have never gotten that one).  I understand the statements made "God doesn't care what you look like" and get that to a degree but does it really take that long to throw on something a little more appropriate for the place you're about to enter?

Being dressed scantily and in clothing that leaves little to the imagination is another pet-peeve.  The world does not need to see your assets, your underwear or

I've been on a crusade of late to encourage my children, my spouse and myself to take a little more care and pride in how they appear.  I think when we take the time to present ourselves in the best light possible, it shows we have confidence and that we value and respect the people we are dating/meeting/working/worshipping with.

I am not really sure when we became a pajama/yoga pant wearing society but I am all for putting the pjs away, taking a shower and putting my best foot forward.  Hoping I can get the rest of the family to follow suit...

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