Friday, March 7, 2014


Do you have things you obsess about?  I have some fun obsessions (Johnny Depp, Benedict Cumberbatch, The Walking Dead and any dress from 1950!) and I have some normal obsessions (clean house, organization,).

The need for a clean house and to be organized go right out the door in the spring.  I manage and help coach a MS girls lacrosse team.  Dust bunnies reign and dinner is on the go more than I'd like to admit.  In addition to the 3 humans who live here, we have 3 cats, 1 dog and moved in the rabbit over the winter.  They combine to provide a seemingly endless supply of dirt, litter and hair throughout the house (we will not discuss the odors!).

So a short entry today but curious as to how you all do it? Please feel free to share any tips you have. I used to do the Fly Lady of it are still helpful but honestly, who has time to "shine their sink" every night?!  I am happy when the dishes get done and aren't facing me in the morning.  Likewise, the endless paper supply.  Stuff I think I need to keep for whatever reason (most of which can be found on-line).  I do go through it every so often and recycle the majority.

Seriously...looking at pics of Johnny Depp and Benedict Cumberbatch are much more fun!

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