Sunday, March 16, 2014


Pinterest...that wonderful website where I waste so much time!  Looking and pinning and then looking and pinning some more!

I pin a LOT of craft ideas...I wish I could spend the countless hours it would take to complete the things I pin:)  Fortunately, I know a group of women who, like me, by themselves may not finish those pinterest pins but together?  We can get some of them done!

We try to meet monthly.  Honestly, it doesn't always work.  Illness, schedules, weather get in the way. Friday night we were lucky to meet and even more so for me, I got to be the hostess.  Yes, I had to clean my house and get things ready but I also got to choose the project!

Trying to choose a project that will appeal to everyone within a large group is a bit daunting.  While also being something everyone will want to make/complete, there is a bit of a time limit (has to be mostly completed that evening) and not be horribly expensive.

I will admit that it took me awhile this time.  I know Easter's coming but honestly, the cutesy crafts associated with the holiday weren't really that appealing to me.  I wanted to do something that we could use year-round.  Finally, I found a craft that I thought we'd all like!

I sent it to the group and general consensus had us all agreeing this was to be our next project.  I set about making the list of needed materials followed by a trip to Michaels (who were nice enough to give me the teacher's discount of 15% to help us all save a little money!).  Of course, me being me, I realized that I'd forgotten a pretty important component of the project...thankful for a friend who was able to stop and get those last needed pieces!

Friday had me cleaning the house...putting all those piles away for the first time this winter.  Nothing motivates me like a group of people coming over.  This pinterest night had 2 new friends joining in the fun. The first car pulled in promptly at 7:00 p.m. followed by the others.  We chit-chatted as we each picked our background paper and began the process.  This whole evening is as much about the socialization as it is the crafting so I really have no idea how long it actually takes to finish this project.  We wrapped everything up at 10:00!

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