Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Preconceived notions...

There are a lot of people who think they are beyond a situation that will require them to seek out help with either their housing or their medical care.  What I've noticed is that we are ALL just one catastrophe away from disaster.

I left bedside nursing almost 4 years ago to take a job running the local free clinic.  No benefits, low pay, countless rewards.  I had many preconceived notions coming into this job. I assumed that the clients I'd be seeing didn't work, were homeless, list goes on and on.  What I rapidly received was a wake-up call that was a powerful as a slap in the face.  I was completely, totally WRONG!

My patients are amazing...they are hard workers, they try to pay their way, they try to educated themselves, they have families they love, jobs they tolerate and joys and sorrows.  They are very much like me.  In most cases, they are going through tough times...they had to quit school to get a job to help support their family after a parent died, they take in their grandchildren when their children cannot care for them.  They offer to share their home with another family who lost theirs. Their ability to give and be compassionate has made me a better person.

Sure, we see a few trying to scam the system.  We have hard and fast rules and they don't get very far with us.  They typically come around a few times and then do not return.  But for those who truly need our services, we are much like an extended branch of their family.  I share in the joy of the homeless patient who gets a permanent place to live, the one who finally gets a job after searching well over a year.  I applaud those who are going back to school to further their education and help cheer them on.  And I admire those who care for children who aren't blood relations but do so because they can provide a stable environment.  They, too, share in my joys and sorrows. I share my life with them as well.  I love when they ask about my children, my hobbies, what's new with the clinic.

I guess what I am trying to say is...what are your preconceived notions?  Do you automatically assume everyone on medicaid doesn't work?  Do you have thoughts on those who are working menial jobs?  Do you think your above ever having to seek out the services of the free clinic or helping with housing/bills?

I know some of you have these very thoughts (you can thank facebook for that little sidebar that shows me and all of your friends when you like an article/meme making fun of or discussing these very things). I am asking that you be more open-minded.  In a perfect world, we'd all be working at jobs where benefits were available, the pay was excellent and able to pay our own way in this crazy world.  I am asking that you consider that these individuals that you sometimes judge are those very kind of people and maybe, just maybe, they aren't that different from you and I.

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